Atom C++ Mac

  1. Operation of MIRP for C-MAC Flushing in 802.1ah Networks. The MIRP has not been defined in IEEE but is expected to be based on the IEEE 802.1ak Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP). MRP maintains a complex finite state machine (FSM) for generic attribute registration. In the case of MIRP, the attribute is an I-SID.
  2. Download the latest version of Atom for Mac - A hackable text editor. Read 25 user reviews of Atom on MacUpdate.

PlatformIO IDE is the next-generation integrated development environment for IoT.

At GitHub, we’re building the text editor we’ve always wanted: hackable to the core, but approachable on the first day without ever touching a config file. We can’t wait to see what you build with it. May 26, 2016 Mastering the C programming language - a classic code environment used to build software, apps, and whole operating systems - is a great skill, and Mac OS X makes it easy to learn.

  • Cross-platform build system without external dependencies to the OS software:

    • 800+ Boards

    • 35+ Development Platforms

    • 20+ Frameworks

  • C/C++ Intelligent Code Completion

  • C/C++ Smart Code Linter for rapid professional development

  • Library Manager for the hundreds popular libraries

  • Multi-projects workflow with multiple panes

  • Themes support with dark and light colors

  • Serial Port Monitor

  • Built-in Terminal with PlatformIO Core (CLI) and CLI tool (pio, platformio)

  • Built-in PlatformIO Home.

Atom is a text editor that’s modern, approachable,yet hackable to the core—a tool you can customize to do anything but also useproductively without ever touching a config file.



Please note that you do not need to install PlatformIO Core (CLI) separatelyif you are going to use PlatformIO IDE for Atom. PlatformIO Core (CLI) is built intoPlatformIO IDE and you will be able to use it within PlatformIO IDE Terminal.

Also, PlatformIO IDE allows one to install PlatformIO Core (CLI) Shell Commands(pio, platformio) globally to your system viaMenu:PlatformIO>InstallShellCommands.

  1. Download and install GitHub’s official Atom text editor. PlatformIO IDE is built on top of it.

  2. Open Atom Package Manager

  • Mac OS X, Menu:Atom>Preferences>Install

  • Windows, Menu:File>Settings>Install

  • Linux, Menu:Edit>Preferences>Install

  1. Search for the official platformio-idepackage

  2. Install PlatformIO IDE.

PlatformIO IDE uses Clang for the Intelligent CodeCompletion. To check that clang is available in your system, pleaseopen Terminal and run clang--version. If clang is not installed,then install it and restart Atom:

Atom C++ Compiler

  • Mac OS X: Install the latest Xcodealong with the latest Command Line Tools(they are installed automatically when you run clang in Terminal for thefirst time, or manually by running xcode-select--install

  • Windows: Download Clang 3.9.1 for Windows.Please select “Add LLVM to the system PATH” option on the installation step.



    If you see a FailedtofindMSBuildtoolsetsdirectory error inthe installation console, please ignore it and press any key to closethis window. PlatformIO IDE uses only the Clang completion engine, whichshould work after that without any problems.

  • Linux: Using package managers: apt-getinstallclang or yuminstallclang.

  • Other Systems: Download the latest Clang for the other systems.


If some libraries are not visible in PlatformIO IDE for Atom and Code Completion orCode Linting does not work properly, please perform Menu:PlatformIO>RebuildC/C++ProjectIndex(Autocomplete,Linter)

This tutorial introduces you to the basics of PlatformIO IDE workflow and showsyou the creation process for a simple “Blink” example. After finishing, you willhave a general understanding of how to work with projects in the IDE.

After installation, launch PlatformIO IDE by opening Atom. Once Atom isopened, the PlatformIO IDE auto installer will continue to install dependent packagesand PlatformIO Core (CLI). Please be patient and let the installation complete. Once finished,PlatformIO IDE will ask you to reload the Atom window to applyinstalled components. Please click on ReloadNow. After that, PlatformIO IDE isready for use. Happy coding!

  1. Click on the “PlatformIO Home” button on the PlatformIO Toolbar

  1. Click on “New Project”, select a board and create a new PlatformIO Project

  1. Open the main.cpp file in the src folder and replace its contents withthe following:


The code below only works with Arduino-based boards. Pleasevisit the PlatformIO Project Examples repository for other pre-configured projects.

PlatformIO IDE proposes different ways to process the project (build, clean,upload firmware, run other targets) using:

  • Building / Uploading / Targets and hotkeys

Learn To Code Using The C Programming Language On Your Mac

  1. Run Build and you should see a green “success” result in the buildpanel:

To upload firmware to the board, run Upload.

  1. What is more, you can run specific target or process project environmentusing Menu:PlatformIO>Runothertarget...or call targets list from the status bar (bottom, left corner):

And select desired target:

  1. To launch the built-in terminal interface, choose Menu:PlatformIO>Terminal orpress the corresponding icon in the PlatformIO toolbar:

This provides you fast access to a set of powerful PlatformIO Core (CLI) CLI commands:

  1. To run the built-in “Serial Monitor”, choose Menu:PlatformIO>SerialMonitoror press the corresponding icon in the PlatformIO toolbar:

The monitor has several settings to adjust your connection:

It also allows you to communicate with your board in an easy way:

platformio-ide package adds to Atomnew menu item named Menu:PlatformIO (after Menu:Help item).

PlatformIO IDE Toolbar contains quick access buttons for the popular commands.Each button contains a hint (leave the mouse on it for a moment).

  • PlatformIO: Build

  • PlatformIO: Upload

  • PlatformIO: Clean

  • Run other target (Build environments, Unit Testing)

  • Toggle build panel

  • ||

  • Find in Project…

  • PlatformIO Terminal

  • Serial Monitor

  • ||

  • Atom Settings

  • cmd-alt-b / ctrl-alt-b / f9 builds project without auto-uploading.

  • cmd-alt-u / ctrl-alt-u builds and uploads (if no errors).

  • cmd-alt-c / ctrl-alt-c cleans compiled objects.

  • cmd-alt-t / ctrl-alt-t / f7 run other targets (Upload using Programmer, Upload SPIFFS image, Update platforms and libraries).

  • cmd-alt-g / ctrl-alt-g / f4 cycles through causes of build error.

  • cmd-alt-h / ctrl-alt-h / shift-f4 goes to the first build error.

  • cmd-alt-v / ctrl-alt-v / f8 toggles the build panel.

  • escape terminates build / closes the build window.

More options: Menu:PlatformIO>Settings>Build.

PlatformIO IDE uses clang for the Intelligent Code Completion.To install it or check if it is already installed, please follow see the stepII. Clang for Intelligent Code Completion from Installation guide.


The libraries which are added/installed after the initializing process willnot be reflected in the code linter. You need Menu:PlatformIO>RebuildC/C++ProjectIndex(Autocomplete,Linter).

PlatformIO IDE uses PlatformIO’s pre-built GCC toolchains for Smart Code Linterand rapid professional development.The configuration data are located in .gcc-flags.json. This file will beautomatically created and preconfigured when you initialize project usingMenu:PlatformIO>InitializenewPlatformIOProjectorupdateexisting....


If some libraries are not visible in PlatformIO IDE for Atom and Code Completion orCode Linting does not work properly, please perform Menu:PlatformIO>RebuildC/C++ProjectIndex(Autocomplete,Linter)

Please navigate to PlatformIO Core Install Shell Commands.

Smart Code Linter is disabled by default for Arduino files(*.ino and .pde) because they are not valid C/C++ basedsource files:

  1. Missing includes such as #include<Arduino.h>

  2. Function declarations are omitted.

There are two solutions:

Recommended! See Convert Arduino file to C++ manually.

To force Smart Code Linter to use Arduino files as C++ please

  1. Open .gcc-flags.json file from the Initialized/Imported project and add-xc++ flag at the beginning of the value of gccDefaultCppFlags field:

  1. Perform all steps from Convert Arduino file to C++ manually(without renaming to .cpp).


Please do not modify other flags here. They will be removed on a next“Project Rebuild C/C++ Index” stage.Please use build_flags for “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) instead.

Please read this article Installing PlatformIO on Arch Linux.

PlatformIO IDE hides build panel on success by default. Nevertheless, you cankeep it visible all time. Please follow toMenu:PlatformIO>Settings>Build and set PanelVisibility toKeepVisible.

Key-bindings (toggle panel):

  • cmd+alt+v - Mac OS X

  • ctrl+alt+v - Windows/Linux

If you want automatically save all edited files when triggering a build, please follow toMenu:PlatformIO>Settings>Build and check Automaticallysaveonbuild.

Click on a function/include, press F3 and you will be taken directly tothe declaration for that function.

You need to install atom-beautifypackage and C/C++ Uncrustify Code Beautifier.

Here’s how to uninstall the PlatformIO IDE for multiple OS.

See Uninstall PlatformIO Core and dependent packages, if you do not need it in a system.

  1. Uninstall Atom using “Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall”

  2. Remove C:Users<username>.atom folder (settings, packages, etc…)

  3. Remove C:Users<username>AppDataLocalatom folder (application itself)

  4. Remove C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingAtom folder (cache, etc.)

  5. Remove registry records using regedit:

    • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshell

    • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryshell


Run these commands in system Terminal

Run these commands in system Terminal

  • Mar, 31, 2017 - Robin Reiter - A little guide to PlatformIO. As an Arduino developer, you may want to check that out! (video review)

  • Dec 13, 2016 - Dr. Patrick Mineault - Multi-Arduino projects with PlatformIO

  • Nov 10, 2016 - PiGreek - PlatformIO the new Arduino IDE ?!

  • Aug 18, 2016 - Primal Cortex - Installing PlatformIO on Arch Linux

  • Jul 26, 2016 - Embedded Systems Laboratory - แนะนำการใช้งาน PlatformIO IDE สำหรับบอร์ด Arduino และ ESP8266 (Get started with PlatformIO IDE for Arduino board and ESP8266, Thai)

  • May 30, 2016 - Ron Moerman - IoT Development with PlatformIO

  • May 01, 2016 - Pedro Minatel - PlatformIO – Uma alternativa ao Arduino IDE (PlatformIO - An alternative to the Arduino IDE, Portuguese)

  • Apr 23, 2016 - Al Williams - Hackaday: Atomic Arduino (and Other) Development

  • Apr 16, 2016 - Sathittham Sangthong - [PlatformIO] มาลองเล่น PlatformIO แทน Arduino IDE กัน (Let’s play together with PlatformIO IDE [alternative to Arduino IDE], Thai)

  • Apr 11, 2016 - Matjaz Trcek - Top 5 Arduino integrated development environments

  • Apr 06, 2016 - Aleks - PlatformIO ausprobiert (Tried PlatformIO, German)

  • Apr 02, 2016 - Diego Pinto - Você tem coragem de abandonar a IDE do Arduino? PlatformIO + Atom (Do you dare to leave the Arduino IDE? PlatformIO + Atom, Portuguese)

  • Mar 30, 2016 - Brandon Cannaday - Getting Started with PlatformIO and ESP8266 NodeMcu

  • Mar 12, 2016 - Peter Marks - PlatformIO, the Arduino IDE for programmers

  • Mar 05, 2016 - - PlatformIO – otevřený ekosystém pro vývoj IoT (PlatformIO – an open source ecosystem for IoT development, Czech)

  • Mar 04, 2016 - Ricardo Vega - Programa tu Arduino desde Atom (Program your Arduino from Atom, Spanish)

  • Feb 28, 2016 - Alex Bloggt - PlatformIO vorgestellt (Introduction to PlatformIO IDE, German)

  • Feb 25, 2016 - NutDIY - PlatformIO Blink On Nodemcu Dev Kit V1.0 (Thai)

See a full list with Articles about us.

Installing Atom

To get started with Atom, we'll need to get it on your system. This section will go over installing Atom on your system as well as the basics of how to build it from source.

Installing Atom should be fairly simple. Generally, you can go to and you should see a download button as shown here:

The button or buttons should be specific to your platform and the download package should be easily installable. However, let's go over them here in a bit of detail.

Atom c++ compilerMachinery

Installing Atom on Mac

20+ Best C IDE For Windows, Mac & Linux (2021 Editors)

Atom follows the standard Mac zip installation process. You can either press the download button from the site or you can go to the Atom releases page to download the file explicitly. Once you have that file, you can click on it to extract the application and then drag the new Atom application into your 'Applications' folder.

When you first open Atom, it will try to install the atom and apm commands for use in the terminal. In some cases, Atom might not be able to install these commands because it needs an administrator password. To check if Atom was able to install the atom command, for example, open a terminal window and type which atom. If the atom command has been installed, you'll see something like this:

Images For Atom C Mac

If the atom command wasn't installed, the which command won't return anything:

To install the atom and apm commands, run 'Window: Install Shell Commands' from the Command Palette, which will prompt you for an administrator password.

Installing Atom on Windows

Atom is available with Windows installers that can be downloaded from or from the Atom releases page. Use AtomSetup.exe for 32-bit systems and AtomSetup-x64.exe for 64-bit systems. This setup program will install Atom, add the atom and apm commands to your PATH, and create shortcuts on the desktop and in the start menu.

The context menu Open with Atom in File Explorer, and the option to make Atom available for file association using Open with..., is controlled by the System Settings panel as seen above.

With Atom open, click on File > Settings, and then the System tab on the left. Check the boxes next to Show in file context menus, as well as Show in folder context menus. And you’re all set.

Installing Atom on Linux

You can install Atom on Linux using your distribution's package manager by configuring it to use one of our official package repositories. This will also enable you to update Atom when new releases are published.

Debian and Ubuntu (deb/apt)

To install Atom on Debian, Ubuntu, or related distributions, add our official
package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using apt-get (or apt on Ubuntu):

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .deb package and install it directly:

Red Hat and CentOS (YUM), or Fedora (DNF)

To install Atom on CentOS, Oracle Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Scientific Linux, Fedora, or related distributions that use the YUM or DNF package managers, add our official package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using dnf (or yum depending on your distribution):

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .rpm package and install it directly:

SUSE (zypp)

To install Atom on openSUSE or other distributions that use the Zypp package manager, add our official package repository to your system by running the following commands:

You can now install Atom using zypper:

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .rpm package and install it directly:

Updating Atom

You should consider updating Atom periodically for the latest improvements to the software. Additionally, When Atom receives hotfixes for security vulnerabilities you will want to update your version of Atom as soon as possible.

'Automatically Update' is enabled by default in Core Settings of the Settings View, which will allow Atom to check for updates automatically. If you disable this setting you can update Atom manually.

To perform a manual update:

  • Click on the Atom > Check for Update menu item in the menu bar.
  • Search for Application: About in the Command Palette and click the Check now button.

Atom will begin to update if an update is available.

'Automatically Update' is enabled by default in Core Settings of the Settings View, which will allow Atom to check for updates automatically. If you disable this setting you can update Atom manually.

To perform a manual update:

  • Click on the Help > Check for Update menu item in the menu bar.
  • Search for Application: About in the Command Palette and click the Check now button.

Atom will begin to update if an update is available.

If you are using Atom's official package repositories, use your distribution's package manager to update Atom. Otherwise, you will need to manually download and install the latest .rpm or .deb package from For more details, see Installing Atom on Linux.

Portable Mode

Atom stores configuration and state in a .atom directory usually located in your home directory (%userprofile% on Windows). You can however run Atom in portable mode where both the app and the configuration are stored together such as on a removable storage device.

To setup Atom in portable mode download the zip/tar.gz package for your system and extract it to your removable storage.

Then create a .atom directory alongside the directory that contains atom.exe, for example:

More Images For Atom C Mac »

Then create a .atom directory alongside the application, for example:

Then create a .atom directory alongside the directory that contains the Atom binary, for example:

Portable Notes
  • The .atom directory must be writeable
  • You can move an existing .atom directory to your portable device
  • Atom can also store its Electron user data in your .atom directory - just create a subdirectory called electronUserData inside .atom
  • Alternatively you can set the ATOM_HOME environment variable to point wherever you want (you can write a .sh or .cmd script to temporarily set it and launch it from that)
  • Portable mode installations will not automatically update

Building Atom from Source

The Hacking on Atom Core section of the flight manual covers instructions on how to clone and build the source code if you prefer that option.

Proxy and Firewall Settings

Behind a Firewall?

If you are behind a firewall and seeing SSL errors when installing packages you can disable strict SSL by running:

Using a Proxy?

Run C++ Code In Atom

If you are using a HTTP(S) proxy you can configure apm to use it by running:

Atom C++ 実行 Mac

You can run apm config get https-proxy to verify it has been set correctly.